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Mr. Ali Canani, FICS

Chairman of The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers - Middle East Branch

Ali Canani has been the youngest member on the team for the last two terms based on age and experience but has many accolades to his name already. He won the President's Prize award (with the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers) in 2014. Before being elected as the chairman of the branch, he has served as the ICS ME branch Treasurer since 2017.

He leads two companies actively; Al Canani Foodstuff Traders LLC (selling over 80,000 MT of dates per year) since 2003 and Red Pearl Logistics (which offers customs clearance and manages 14 trucks for transportation) since 2009.


He joined the ICS in 2014 after passing all 7 exams in 1 sitting and was awarded Fellowship in 2015. As a curious learner, he is passionate about learning through sharing. He has been a tutor of the branch since the day he passed the exams. 

With a big welcoming smile on his face, he always looks forward to meeting new people and belives in creating value wherever he can.

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Meet the Team

Executive committee of The Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers Middle East Branch

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